fellowship program
A special drive is undertaken by the Atal Incubation Centre RAISE, supported by Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, Govt of India, in the name of RAISEUP.
AIC RAISE is India’s first Startup Incubation Centre focused on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, nurturing and supporting startups and entrepreneurs established with the support of the Atal Innovation Mission of NITI AAYOG, Govt. of India.
RAISE UP is an initiative of AIC RAISE to foster alliances of science and technology in developing a sustainable community.
Fellowship Program
AIC RAISE is India’s first Startup Incubation Centre focused on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, nurturing and supporting startups and entrepreneurs established with the support of the Atal Innovation Mission of NITI AAYOG, Govt. of India.
Under this initiative, the selected fellows would have to implement their novel, innovative, cost-effective and sustainable technologies/ methodologies.
To support fellows in implementing their sustainable ideas, they will be provided with a fellowship of Rs 25000/. per month for 18 months. In addition to that, Rs 5 lakhs will be provided as a one-time payment during the fellowship if their proof of concept is selected and found to be a feasible model.
Undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates below 30 years can apply. The applicants can be from a broad variety of fields and disciplines. Right from the engineering field to arts and science, the candidate can belong to any qualified educational background.
We would like to let you know that the selected applicants will be informed and be called for a presentation at AIC Raise Incubation Center (Subjected to changes based on Covid -19 protocols) before an Expert Committee. Then the shortlisted applicants will enter into an agreement with AIC Raise Incubation Center and hence they would be called as fellow.